I’m not gone, and the blog has not been forgotten. My son, Stephen, got married on Nov. 5. It was a perfect wedding. He and Kathie make a perfect couple. Her parents are perfect in-laws. Couldn’t be better, except for my wife and I being in Kansas while they’re all in California. Hmm, if anybody reading this has a job in California for a middle-aged oil and gas lawyer, be sure to let me know!
Besides an offspring getting married, I spent some time on the Chappell Family Website to make the contact form more secure against spammers and hackers, and also incorporated similar improvements on the Douglas County Bar Association website.
One of these days, though, I promise to post something pertinent to oil and gas law! A fellow attorney recently called me a “geek” and said I needed to get to the courthouse more often. Actually, I think being able to stay out of the courthouse is indicative of some measure of success in the practice of law.