I noticed a wave of local attorneys signing up on LinkedIn a couple months ago. Recently I noticed some organizations Twittering like mad. Prior to these, I was getting a lot of Facebook friend requests. Before all of those I had to actually set spam filters specifically for MySpace, thanks to all the babes wanting to make contact with an old lawyer like myself. My question is, where are people finding the time for all this social networking?
Where’s April?
It seems to me April Fool’s Day was coming up, but according to the calendar we’ve just had May Day. Was there really an April this year? Yes, I know, it’s a rhetorical question. I’ve observed that time has really accelerated the older I’ve become, but this is getting ridiculous! If entire months are going to zing by like mere days, I think I should get a few things in order right away!
Client’s New Website
Just thought I’d mention a client’s new website, Black Star 231 Corp. Jim Pryor has been a client since the early 80’s, and another company of his, Pryor Oil Company, has had a website for a few years. I probably have other clients with websites, but not sites that were made by yours truly. It’s a hobby I developed a while back. I also take credit (or blame) for my own site, as well!